December 30, 2002 On Resolutions, this year, and the Future
Excuse my
redundancy but it is already the end of the palindrome year I remember looking forward to...[I trail on because you should
never end a sentence with a preposition] Every New Year, I plan to journal my thoughts because I tend to forget what has happened
to me in the first six months of every year. Quite remarkable actually because one of those days is my Birthday [February
20th!]. Well aside from that day, I tend to forget all that happens in the preliminary months of the year because January
to June is school and nothing exciting [save a few] happens. However [and I'm going to study this further] I believe we--students
think, well better, between January and June; and all of this thought is lost as summer ebbs to a close. School begins again
and our brains, rusty from mindless relaxation, start to warm up. By the time January rolls around they are back in shape.
But I digress. For Resolution 1 I plan to record my thoughts, boring as they maybe, to evaluate how
I think.
It would be quite naive of me to believe that I would fulfill a resolution. Most of them are forgotten [see reoccuring
theme?] by March. So for Resolution 2 I resolve to keep Resolution 1. I make Resolution 3 every year and frankly it's becoming a bit embarrassing to even mention. So until
I come through with it, Resolution 3 is confidential. It wouldn't be a New Year if I didn't make Resolution
4. This one is for me to keep up my grades, and if I'm weak in anything [I cringe at even the thought of this: read
Calculus] to bring it up. Resolution 4 is a paradox on it's own because it is as simple to make as it is to
break ::hmmm::I'll be keeping tabs on this one.
As I, well technically all of us, prepare to step into 2003, prepare to become older and brace ourselves
for another year of self-discovery, the importance of knowledge comes to surface [I know, I know; cliche]. For Resolution
5 I resolve to become well-read not only in literature but international 'issues'.
I've learned about myself this year in different ways. Experience. I have experienced disappointments but
I've learned to move on and not brood over them. This past summer I experienced what it was like to live in India. Not completely
because I haven't been to school there since I was two-years-old but going back always reminds me what I miss out on and I
begin to think what my life would have been like had I grown up in my native country. Family, masti [fun], food!, music and
dance, the weather to name a few things I can't seem to forget. The experience puts my life back into perspective, it reminds
me where I came from and the culture I should embrace. Diversity is great but sometimes you try to blend in and forget where
you are coming from. Everytime I go back to India I realize that no matter how I have been brought up, I'm still Amrita-from-paroosan
[neighborhood]. Observing. I have learned a great deal about life through watching people. I learned that some people
can never change, or at least they can't in my lifetime. I can deduce my friends's moods; though I'm still rusty with the
closest of people. I learned that something simple as observance is difficult to perfect but the effort is noticed. Most importantly,
I observed that observing people live life fill me with warmth and for lack of better word, happiness. Practice.
Practice makes perfect my Dad always says. I've learned that practice my not bring you perfection but it will bring you
close enough. I've learned that 'practice makes perfect' formula only works with a heart full of desire and zero ounces of
dread. I've learned this with perfect practicing as well as the hard way. And the hard way is easy to follow until you see
the results. Failure. It happens to everyone, sometime, somewhere. It has happened to me a few times perspectively
and I have learned to deal with it and move on. Failure IS evil if you let it slow you down. But I've learned that even the
rockiest shore can't stop a wave with a will and a heartbreaking downfall can't stop a person with a goal. When I reached
failure, I've taken both roads and trust me, I know what works. Family. I've learned so much about myself this year
through my family. I've rediscovered my strenghts, my weaknesses, and ambitions. I've learned what love is and I've learned
what it can stand. Friends. No matter how far I've been, they've always been close and willing to listen, providing a
sholder to cry on. They know when to laugh and they know when to bring me back down to Earth.f
I've always been the one to live in the present, looking Future face to face and take it as it comes. Sometimes
I've made the mistake to look at the future and forget the past. The importance of the past is it is solid; it doesn't change
and we can hold on to its memories. Future is fickle, changing at whim, but always resulting from our actions and inactions.
You can't look forward to the future and forget the past. The future may define your dreams, your ambitions, but the past
will always define who you are. However, don't live in the past; that's escaping the present. Don't deny the present either:
it will become the past and haunt you. Also, don't wait for the future: it won't come until you manage the present.
To me, my future looks great. I see myself standing beside an awesome car ready to drive to the career I love,
looking forward to coming home to a home full of love. I know I can and will get there someday, but not until I accomplish
today. Afterall, what good would that car be if I don't get my license?; what career would I have if I don't graduate? The
future will come when today is done and yesterday is remembered.
A H A P P Y N E W Y E A R E V E R Y O N E ! ! !
Leaves For Thought November 20, 2002
It wasn't my idea to spend the first hour of my first half day of the year raking leaves. Yet, it
had to be done. *my parents told me to* I had planned to waste that hour watching tv and filling my (already fat) body with
grub; then end my procrastination and study for the untimely biology test for Friday, when I was sent out.
I admit, at first I was angry, *Did I want to rake leaves? No!* But then *excuse me for the pun* everything fell into
place. While raking, my thoughts did not wander, unlike when I study for biology. Knowing I had to finish the backyard, I
kept going. I was going strong, and soon I finished. If only that could happen when I study. It just goes to show that
when you want to really get things done, you will. If something isn't getting done, its most likely that its you and your
own procrastination getting in the way. *Don't let yourself do that* And if you really can't concentrate on something, leave
it and go do something that will require you to focus (but not for too long!). That's my advice to you, *and to me when I
read over these babblings*
November 4, 2002
Happy Diwali to my subcontinent posse! Today is
the India's Festival of Lights. How am I celebrating? Well for starters, new stuff...hehehe. I got a cd called Asian Groove
and its absolutely wonderful. Its a mix of Indian and other asian beats. Like even Uzbekistan. Wherever that is. Since we
can't have fireworks, due to the strict NJ law, we have creatively replaced them with a noise making gun thingy. It's one
of those dangerous toys that you can buy. It makes a popping sound! hehe Now for the food; we get mithai from Edison, also
known as India Town USA. Then there is chalk rangoli.
Now homework on Diwali is unconventianal, but alas, I have to study for a
October 20, 2002
~I just realized, only 4 months until my birthday!
I took a this personality test today and determined-contrary to my belief and yours-that I am sane:
September 10, 2002
Tomorrow is Sept 11th. A day that will not be forgotten. Although the target was America, its
affects unified people all over. It brought life into perspective; that our seemingly perfect world is just another illusion
and that anything can happen. But taking negatives and churning positive effects from them is what the world did. In our own
way, we took the not so postive occurence and learned from it. We learned that we still have courage, even if we are devastated.
We learned that we always have people, whether it be family or friends or neighbors, by our side. We have our faith and we
have our country for endless support. No matter what country it is, or what faiths we have, they are supportive of us. We
also learned that life goes on. "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it."
September 9, 2002
While I was sitting around, wasting my time deciding what to do; study or practice piano, I
thought of something. Do piano lessons really help you? Given that they are relaxing, and they teach you something besides
reading eating sleeping, but are they really helpful? Unless I am dedicated to a particular song, I spend
more time worrying about what my teacher will say than actually practicing. I spend more time trying to look good than actually
accomplish something. Because piano isnt just for yourself anymore, its a competition between friends. So I guess I should
get going......
September 6, 2002
Senioritis: the weakening of ways that leads to seniors slacking in school. Note to Senioritis: I
want to clarify that I will not find comfort in your false euphoria. You are worse than any drug that I can take because you
thrive in the minds of innocent students. You thrive on procrastination. But don't try to get me. I am prepared. I will not
let laziness hinder my capabilities. I will not let an idea such as Senioritis seize me. Instead, Carpe Diem!; I will seize
the day! I will savour my last months in high school and a simple thing like you, Senioritis, will not stop me.
August 29, 2002
the Last Tastes the Best Seated, very uncomfortably, in plastic
swivel chair, a girl takes a long break from reading with a drink. What drink could have been seductive enough
to entice the youthful tongue of a seventeen year old corpse. And how could that drink have kissed the lips during the tender
She wondered how she could succeed to quench her thirst with everyone watching. They would know. They would
know she was entranced if she walked out the door. They would know. But she had to find a way.
It may have been
luck, or maybe misfortune, but they forgot something outside. It was a video. Not hesitating, she walked out the door. At
last, she could feel the smooth ruddy flesh of her beloved! And for the last time. As quietly as the day slipped away, they
slipped inside.
In the room. It was ill-lit and humid. Her hair all frazzled from the tension was being put up. And
they were alone.
Nothing had ever been as refreshing or as cool. Nothing could quench the thirst or fill her body
with sweet caramel sensations. Nothing like the last time.
Nothing was as good as the Coca-Cola Classic.
August 28, 2002 The Prosperity of A Shoe Life has
many problems, and to identify them, we have our sweet self. Life also has many fortunes. Those we identify with our neighbors.
It may be human nature to condemn our own deeds and laud others. (author's note: if I am using that word correctly,
by laud I mean praise)
But I have devised a way for us human beings to praise ourselves. My way is best because no
one else will be able to fit. Literally. All we must do when we feel down-in-the-dumps-depressed-low-spirited is to praise
our very own shoes. It's simple to understand and perform. Just think for a minute, has anyone else ever worn your shoe? The
answer is most likely no. Now think of all the places your shoe has been opposed to your neighbor's shoe. So what if
your neighbor went to the Bahamas with his prada sandals. First of all, those leather beauties will get mutalized in
the salt spray and sun. Secondly, your sandals went to the beach with your family, spent the day in the park with your brother,
and enjoyed quite a few movies with your friends. Now there is no need for bowing down to your shoe, but it might help.
It might help you understand the differences between your neighbor. Differences which make your shoe, and you feel exceptional.
August 27, 2002
It may seem shocking but people usually do the right thing. In a community sprinkled with
malice, sometimes what people do really impresses me. Take for instance that someone is doing something their family is
against. It could be anything, drugs, drinking, partying, or cracking knuckles. Over the course of time and through some influences,
they stop. These kinds of turn arounds make me happy. Really happy. Really proud. I am really proud when this happens, especially
to people I know, because it shows that the world, or that person is maturing. And common sense. And common sense is a good
thing, a good tool to get through life that everyone should follow. Yea, I know I am lecturing, but I will stop now.
Wow. I stopped. Now I am really proud of myself. ::pats self on the back::
August 21, 2002 This has never happened to me before. Sure I procrastinate
about other things, but never about reading. Every summer, our wonderful East Brunswick school system assigns the students
to read a book or two during the summer. Whats more, the students are tested on the reading. Well, it is also true that the
summer reading that they pick is, can you say "sleep inducing"? As for the novel "Things Fall Apart" I have nothing against
it. In fact, I will probably like it...once I get past the first two chapters! For the last week, I have been reading the
first two chapters over and over again, only because I can't focus. Focus, that is what I need. I need all my little
worries to evaporate into the humid air. Just vanish! But they won't. I have too many little worries and because of them,
I am starting to lose hope. And because I feel so, can you say, hopelessly-tired-wanting-to-pull-my-head-off-and-run-away-to-preschool-senior-year-jitters-will-I-get-into-school-need-that-1350+score-what-am-I-going-to-do?
I can't seem to get much done. But as we speak, or should I say, as I write, my problems don't seem so bad. Not as bad as
your problem...hey you are reading you are probably more lost than I am...haha. Sometimes laughing helps. Even if
it means hurting your feelings...sorry guys but I feel so selfish right now.
August 20, 2002
Education is important for many
reasons other than book knowledge. The process of going to school is important for many reasons other than book knowlege.
Education gives
you a chance to compete in an environment controlled with grades. In the real world, we compete with money. Don't
looked appauled. It's true. School is a fair deal; you study hard you get As. You slack off, you don't. Then
there is the motivation to do better than your peers. This is similar to the motivation to do better than your rival
School give you a chance to meet different people and learn
to get along with them. In the world outside of school, especially in business, you have to get along with everyone and anyone.
In school, you are separated into groups by your abilities not your race. In the real world, you are appreciated
for your abilities but also distinguished by your race. School gives you a fair chance and that is why it is important
to use it to your advantage.
While in school, you have the chance to soar high with
the best grades. Once you are out of school, other factors come into play. However, if you use your grades to get ahead, it
will be easier to stay ahead.
All this has been said before. And saying is much easier than actually doing anything.
haha, for this reason, the great politicians are eloquent speakers, but what have they accomplished. The key to getting
ahead is not grades, money, or race. It is hard work and smart thinking. Which, I believe is something else that school
tries to instill.
August 14, 2002 "whats the deal with
Today boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to discuss the complex factors of Motivation. Motivation can
be described as a force acting either on or within a person to initiate behavior. The word is derived
from the Latin term motivus (a moving cause).Psychologists study motivational forces to
help explain observed changes in behaviour that occur in an individual.
Motivation is what gets you up in the morning,
out of bed and into the shower. Motivation is what drives people to strive for the best and to survive through the most
difficult challenges. Motivation is a very powerful tool that gets people through life.
August 7, 2002
Its been 3 days since I arrived home from my trip to India. I had a great
time there meeting my family and partaking in the colorful marriage functions. Its true that we Indians love to sing and dance
(even in the car), it makes everyday more fun. And there was so much food. One note about food, I LoVe food, and it was hard
to say NO when people served me, but I tried. This may be one of the most pathetic things I will ever say but I just have
to let everyone know. I am proud of the comfy flip-flops I bought in India for the bargain price of approxiamately $1.50!
I know its sad, but I just had to say it. And I don't care what you think of my sandles, I love them. And on that happy note,
I will say Good Night!
August 6, 2002
just an idea that I had. Its not perfect yet, but its raw thought:
"Thoughts on Girl"
so innocent, Like a daisy hanging in the sun, The drizzle of rain on a warm evening. So innocent.
Every passing day molds her Just as the wind molds a pile of leaves And those leaves will never come together
exactly how they were before. So vulnerable.
She absorbs anxiety Like
the earth accepts the constant beating of tires But she remains silent So tolerant.
She trusts the world Like a baby trusts its mother To nourish it and protect it.
But a girl is all alone. She has no
friends She has no enemies, Just herself.
June 19, 2002
Today was the last day of school. Yups. I am now officially a SENIOR. It feels pretty good. Actually,
I just feel frazzled because I just finished all those horrible finals. They were dirty. ish disgusting! Next year there wont
be any finals for me, not bad ones at least. With the A.P. tests out of the way, I plan to be exempt from the the others.
But thats a long way off. I have a little less than a year to figure that out. This summer I'm gonna go college surfing.
Yes, I will trek across the north east in search of a new school. If junior year was the year of fustrations, Senior year
will be the year of change. Changing from Passenger Side Airbags to Drive Side Doorlocks/ from size *bleep* to size
5/ from 17 to 18/ from adolescent to adulthood/ from highschool to college student. So what else this summer,
I'll be in my country, @ me uncle's wedding. I'll put up some of the pictures when I get back. Right now,
Im listening to "one minute man" and a little pissed because its a crappy version. Yet inspite of the crappy versions, I continue
to download music. I think music should be free. We've been ripped off enough by those CD/ record people. Who do they think
they are, getting kids to waste valuable money that eventually add up to a future car??!! Depriving teens of driving is what
it is.
Here is the destructive pattern: watch tv>>hear good music>>buy CD>>purchase more
stuff while at the mall>>repeat>>turn 16>>ahh NO $$ for a Car!
Don't worry my fellow teens. I've figured them out. Yes, I know they're stinky plan. But alas,
I have a plan too! Plan DFM! And it put into effect as of now! So ha.
June 5, 2002
I'm afraid. I don't want a war. I know that no one does. Yet they refuse to listen to each other. Why does pakistan have
missiles? Why won't the United States do something? They helped other countries so why not India? I don't like fear. The word
is scary. The thought of a war is scary. I always believed that I could live my life without worrying about war or nuclear
warfare. I was wrong with desert storm. I was wrong again on Sept 11th. I don't like to be wrong. Please don't make me wrong
May 20, 2002
Today was a great analyzing day.
But first I would like to mentions that limits are fun-simple-and not trig. If you have had precalc, you know exactly what
I mean. knockonwood anyway Today I was enlightened by a great poet, Robert Browning.
I know that the latter is a "disgusting" (if you will) statement because I go against two pet peeves of Ms. Weiss--the usage
of great and sucking up. But he deserves it. "My Last Duchess" be continued...time for
May 17, 2002
If you ever read the poem, "Lady of Shalott" you will
be able to understand what I will talk about. If you have not read it yet, maybe this will inspire you to read it. Here
is a brief synopsis: the Lady of Shalott is a woman who is trapped in a tower of a castle in Camelot. She is cursed, and therefore,
she cannot look out the window, or something horrible will happen. All day in the dreary gray walled tower, she weaves images
that she sees on her mirror. The mirror is her window; she can only see the reflection of the world on the window. After seeing
some knights and some lovers, she realizes she is lonely. Then she sees Sir Lancelot. She decides to leave the tower. Soon,
the curse goes into effect and she dies. The Lady of Shalott, in my opinion represents a characteristic that we all possess.
We all sometimes lock ourselves up and sit through life in the spectator seat. But inately, we are not supposed to do that.
Rather, we desire to participate in life. Unfortunately, like the Lady of Shalott, we are confined and forced to watch and
wonder. Let me reiterate with an example: Suppose there are some kids playing basketball on a nice sunny day. Some other kids
may come but all they do is watch. It may be because there is a physical reason they can't play or that they are restrained
by intimidation. Now that my horrible example has cofused you even more, I will move on.
The Lady of Shalott represents
us, human nature, in many ways. She errs,bringing on her death. She falls in love. Her desires for romance are innate, and
she eventually takes action to seek it. Anyhow, this poem is beautiful, rythmic, and has a good story.
May 2002
I'm happy today! I got in! yay. I was sooooooooooo excited that I did
a "rain dance" all around my house. I ran from room to room jumping and screaming out of joy. I was unbelievably shocked
and really really excited. Woohoo!
What's in an age? A week before my seventeenth birthday, I felt
jubilent as a jester. But the joy was transient. And now,I dont feel as excited. It wore off. :( I liked feeling happy. When
will I feel happy again?
02/07/02 My Birthday is in 13 days! "Birthdays come once a year and when they do they bring
good cheer" goes a common greeting. But what really makes birthdays special? Besides growing older and getting present; the
'good cheer' is the blanket of happiness you feel wrapped around you. At least for me. A warm breeze surrounds me; I'm all
smiles. Can't wait!
Happy New Year to Everyone! I think it's great how
everyone has their own New Year traditions. If you take a look up north, some people welcome the New Year by jumping in a
freezing cold lake. Originally, this tradition started as a quick cure for a hangover. Then there is New York City. Every
year they drop a brilliantly lighted ball in Times Square. Somehow, the people who make novelty glasses make glasses for the
New Year every Year. Some people may agree when I say that the ones for 2002 look best; because they are symmetrical. One
of my family's tradition is that we drink a fruity, cold beverage.
Happy Holidays to Everyone and to Everyone a Good Night!
I was in the middle of doing my english homework when I began
to realize how important it is. In class, you could care less about analyzing Macbeth, yet when you begin to think,
its significance hits you in the face. Macbeth, the character himself, is such a wreck himself, he is practically human. After
hearing one prophesy from some witches, his ego grows like a chia pet on a humid day. (whoa!) He is realistically weak; example,
he is easily convinced by people, in this case his wife and the three witches. Another human quality is the fact that he feels
guilty. IN Fact, so guilty that he on several occasions admits the murders he has committed. Macbeth admits killing the guards,
the basically admits he killed Banquo at the banquet, and in some ways, you could infer the fear he feels the morning the
murder is discovered. Human reaction is in my opinion, clearly and realistically shown.
So what makes this so significant?
Well, by anaylzing Macbeth we are actually analyzing our behavior. Only, his predicament is more severe. The beauty
of this play is that we can learn so much more about ourselves through his actions because his actions are a magnification
of ours!!
It has now been four days since the long awaited Harry
Potter movie came out. It has also been four days that I have spent thinking about the movie, the special effects, the sounds,
the movie etcetc. I will go ponder some more now
11/08/01 9:16 PM
The missing calculator has been located. I am so very
much extremely super duper smiley faced relieved. phew! 11/08/01
I have to admit it, I'm scared. I think I lost my calculator. However, I still had it on Tuesday, and I discovered it was
missing Wednesday morning in school. Maybe I left it at home But it's not at home. Fortunately, I have a hunch to where
it might have been last. The bad part. It's a four day weekend, which means I have to wait eighty-six hours before I can search
the school. Ironically, I never thought I could lose a calculator before, especially because I always made sure to put it
in my bookbag as soon as I was done using it. Darn! and my name isn't even on it! Wish me luck on this quest. P.S.:I have
a gutsy feeling that we might be reunited soon. *sigh* P.P.S.: There is a book I saw in the Library titled Why do Bad Things
Happen to Good People? --I should go read it.
was much discussion this week...about the President's statements and about the warnings. For one month, the people of America
have been advised to go about their business, have fun, take vacations, eat out, buy things, go back to normalcy. Then,
when our lives have attained normalcy, the FBI gives us a warning to be caustious. I think this is a big contradiction.
I can't believe what happened today. It was a day like any
other when I walked into my 3rd period Physics class. The television was on and my class was attentively watching. It took
me a moment to take in everything: One trade tower was on fire, firemen were running into the building, newsreporters informing
in worried but reassuring voices. I thought to myself, oh no, they aren't twins anymore. Just then, CNN showed a plane flying
into another building. It was so fast, I thought was a replay. But it wasn't. The day carried on, but everyone including myself,
was still stuck back in time during that moment shock. My deepest sympathies to anyone who lost a part of themselves in the
tragedy. I'm thankful for my whole family and for their safety.
Tomorrow is the last day of August and all I think about is
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh School starts next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I happened to be cleaning my room and realized
that I own a marvelous amount of belongings. In the tiny space I can call mine, I have managed to accrue knick-knacks and
other seemingly important personal belongings. Projects since fourth grade remain in my desk along with unique pens and pencils
that have been used sparingly. Underneath all this, (which is the only place left) lye paper cutouts from magazines and newspapers.
Some of these whimsicle "things" are haphazardly arranged on a tackboard. The rest wait in line...I plan to make a collage.
But why in the world are we like this? Why do feel attached to everything superfluous? In retrospect, all people
need is water and basic food. Do we really need the potato chips and ice cream? It shouldn't be like this. We shouldn't need
much to keep happy and healthy.
It may take 4-5 years to be able to part with my pens, projects, and other stuff.
But how long will it take the world? How long before it occurs to mankind that human race is encaved in machinery?
Technology is wonderful. It allows me to communicate my ideas to you. But in another POV, it's also the reason I'm babbling.
Yes, we people are definately in a jam.
July 2001
Years ago, I thought of summer days as carefree as could be.
I spent endless hours outside; swimming, playing, and attending "club" meetings in "club houses" nested between trees atop
leaf litter.
Then? Then, I grew up. I read. I learned. As a result of these milestones, I developed a better understanding
of reality. To clarify, I developed fears.
Swimming in a pool is more than what you preceive. Eight years ago, I
thought swimming was not only fun, but also cleansing. I mean, you are in water, and what washes away dirt best besides
water? Contrary to my ignorant assumption, pool water is not cleansing.
The fact is, there is what I
call a diaper bug floating around in pools. Its not lethal, but it cause indigestion and (well, you know!). So just be prudent,
and keep your mouth shut in the pool, especially if there are babies in it.
Unfortunately, I found out (the hard
way) that being on land is not safe either. Recently, one beautiful night, I was outside catching fireflies with my brother.
I had two, but the glow from the jar was not as bright as it should have been. I needed just one more. And then, it happened.
I got bit by who knows what.
The itch intensified to the point where I couldn not control myself. I scratched
it! The following morning, I thought the bite was a little swollen, but hey, did I care? No! The morning after that, I was
awoke with my right arm covered with redness. It was ugly. The reaction from the bite spread to the size of a circle with
the diameter of 4 inches. (I can't think of a better description (:( , sorry) After seeing the doc and swallowing a few pills,
it was all taken care of. However, the memory of this occurance will never depart. (sigh)
Just the other day, my mom asked me for a glass of water. As I walked toward
the cupboard, I caught a glimpse of my sibling veer toward the kitchen. Within seconds, we both had glasses in our hands and
were filling water in them. As I extracted cold water from the fridge, my brother poured water from the pitcher. We both
raced to our mom, each placing a glass of water in her hand. My mother decided to play along and so she asked for two straws.
However, when she tried to drink from both glasses, she could not. Instead, my mom and I were laughing uncontrollably.
It may have been the stupidest thing, yet it was funny.
“ Christmas In July”
I was flipping through the tv channels when an anomalous phrase
caught my eye. "Christmas in July" I read right off the Home Shopping Network. However, I realized, it is not that unusual
to see gimmicks such as this. For instance, in several air-conditioned dept. stores, I navigated through racks and racks
of winter coats, sweaters, and turtlenecks. Then it occurred to me; the reason behind the extreme coldness was not only because
the dept. store was worried about its customers suffering heat exhaustion, but also because cold air would increase the affinity
people have for purchasing winter attire. Nevertheless, for what reason did this “Christmas in July” begin?
July is definitely not unbearable to the point where it is necessary to skip ahead four months. Also, if we can have Christmas
in July, why not Halloween in May? It could be equally lucrative as Christmas, not to mention the smiles on the kids’
faces. Still, engaging in wintry activities is probably more rewarding than undertaking Halloween 4 months before. First
of all, December is associated with family, friends, and fun. Around this time, many different cultures celebrate auspices
holidays. There is Diwali, Christmas, Hannukah, and Kwanzaa. Secondly, for the student, it’s the first big break since
September. And yet, there are still more reasons such as shopping…read on…
December Shoppers
December brings many different people to the stores for various reasons.
Many come for Christmas or Hannukah while others just come in search of bargains. Nevertheless, all shoppers have similar
peculiarities. Entering the stores, the females seem to look straight ahead at the merchandise, looking for the perfect item.
On the other hand, the men look around and prepare themselves for a test, as some might call it, which could take hours.
Women look at ach piece of clothing carefully and often notice irregularities that most men would overlook. In addition,
they stroke the fabric between two fingers and compare it to others. Glancing at the price tag, they analyze the brand, material
and where it was fabricated just to see if it is acceptable for its price. Unless it is a gift, the garment is quickly tried
on and examined. Husbands, however, stand watching and try to make suggestions. They end up holding the coats, bags, or
watching the kids. Waiting on line, the customers hold tightly onto their merchandise and keep vigil on the cashier hard
at work. Observing the cashiers laughing and talking, they move up the line slowly, not changing their lifeless expressions.
No matter what gender, each person is tired and maybe even a little bored. When it is their turn, they smile a little, pay
and leave. As the men silently head straight toward the exit, women saunter slowly, and look at the items they did not see
before. Talking to each other, they cover up for the cold winter weather before finally departing the store. In general,
dept. store shoppers have distinguishable characteristics that seem to become more apparent during the holidays.